Therapy that supports people & communities in owning their power, confidence & voices.
GoodWerk provides culturally responsive therapeutic services that support, uplift, and empower marginalized and underserved communities.
We’re A Safe Space for Healing & Self Expression

Our Areas of Expertise:
You may be facing anxiety if you have experienced the following symptoms in the last two weeks, increased worrying or uneasiness, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, feeling of panic or danger, inability to stay calm or sit still, hyperventilation, heart palpitation, muscle tenseness or other physical symptoms.
You may be experiencing depression if you have encountered at least 5 of the following symptoms in the last two weeks: increased and consistent sadness, change in appetite, lack of motivation, decreased desire to engage in pleasurable activities, insomnia or excessive sleep, hopelessness or worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, or thoughts of death or hurting yourself.
Are you having strong, persistent, and at times unwanted feelings that impact your ability to navigate daily tasks and responsibilities? You may be experiencing emotional disturbances.
Have you experienced physical, sexual, or psychological harm within an intimate relationship? This can include, but not limited to, physical aggression, sexual coercion, financial abuse, psychological abuse and controlling behaviors.
Do you identify as a member Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer plus community? Have you experienced challenges and/or discrimination specific to your sexuality or sexual orientation? Or are you seeking support in navigating and making sense of your lived experiences as a LGBTQ+ person.
Have you experienced stressful and/or distressful experiences in multiple areas in your life (i.e., work/school, relationship, romance, community) that have resulted in discomfort, displacement, and difficulty managing your emotions? If so, you may be experiencing psychosocial/community stressors.
Are you in a romantic or affectionate relationship that contributes to your emotional distress and puts your mental wellbeing at risk? If yes, you may be experiencing severe relationship issues. Relationship issues can include but is not limited to infidelity, communication challenges, lack of trust, dishonesty, or overcoming a challenging experience.
Have you experienced cutting self, biting yourself, picking or scratching your skin, hitting yourself or walls, pulling hair, or misuse of alcohol or prescription/recreational drugs? If so, you may be at risk of serious self-harming behaviors if you are hurting yourself as a way of dealing with difficult feelings, memories, or overwhelming situations.
Do you identify with a disenfranchised community and have experienced systemic oppression, overt bigotry, and microaggressions? This may include harassment in the workplace or in your community or being verbally or physically assaulted. You may be experiencing social justice issues.
Have you experienced a distressing and/or disturbing event that caused adverse reactions such as nightmares, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, paranoia or even flashbacks? If yes, it is possible that you have experienced a severe traumatic event.

Seeking counseling is one of the bravest acts one can perform. You've taken the first step to transforming your life.
– Dr. Alfonso Ferguson
Are these things you’ve been seeking?
Let’s face it, we live in a chaotic world experience currently. There are stressors coming at us from all directions and finding peace can feel elusive and almost impossible at times. Also, what may have worked in the past may not be working for you anymore.
It may sound simple, but living a life full of true unbridled joy can feel far away for many. It can be hard to remember what truly experiencing happiness is, or you may question if you’ve even felt it fully. Finding it again feels impossible and you don’t know where to begin.
We all crave to feel like we are a part of belonging somewhere, and the current state of the world has made that even more pronounced. Feeling isolated and alone is not uncommon and if you’ve been experiencing it, know that you are not alone and there is a solution.